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What is the organic fertilizer production process of biological organic fertilizer manufacturers?


Under the advocacy of green agriculture, biological organic fertilizer has great development prospects and high economic benefits. Many organic fertilizer manufacturers have begun to produce biological organic fertilizers. Agricultural ecological organic fertilizers now adopt professional and large-scale production methods. The output of a biological organic fertilizer factory can reach dozens of tons a day. So what is the organic fertilizer production process of biological organic fertilizer manufacturers?
We all know that agricultural solid waste resource utilization projects adopt land utilization models, establish organic fertilizer plants, use chicken, pig, cattle, sheep and other livestock and poultry manure and crop straw process materials, use biological fermentation technology, and scientifically process (biological fermentation, high temperature sterilization, deodorization, drying) to make environmentally friendly and efficient organic fertilizers with excellent quality and stable fertilizer effect, so as to achieve efficient resource utilization of aquaculture waste and achieve a win-win situation of livestock and poultry breeding benefits and environmental protection ecological benefits.
Organic fertilizer production process specifically includes physical dehydration of fresh crop straw → crushing of dry raw materials → screening → mixing (strain + fresh livestock and poultry manure + crushed crop straw mixed in proportion) → composting and fermentation → temperature change observation → blasting, turning the pile → moisture control → screening → finished product → packaging → storage.
The above is the common organic fertilizer production process. When building a bio-organic fertilizer production line, it is necessary to customize the design according to the actual situation and your needs. If you are interested in this, please contact Huaqiang Heavy Industry.